Is CBD Safe For Children?

Updated on March 11, 2025 in CBD Oil
0 on November 1, 2022

CBD is an abbreviation for Cannabidiol. It is a substance the extraction of which happens from marijuana or hemp. CBD is commercially available in numerous forms from chewable gummies to liquid. It has become extremely popular as a treatment for numerous conditions. These conditions are inclusive of some which can occur in children. CBD doesn’t serve you with a high.

However, one can usually obtain CBD without a prescription. Epidiolex is a medication that is made up of CBD, is available only with a prescription from your doctor.

Epidiolex is popular for use in two severe conditions. These are rare forms of epilepsy in children: Dravet syndrome & Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. Sometimes parents make use of commercially manufactured CBD for the treatment
of some conditions in children. For instance hyperactivity and anxiety. Caregivers may also make use of it for children who are suffering from autism spectrum for trying to reduce particular symptoms of autism.

The testing of CBD has not happened extensively for effectiveness or safety. As there is promising research about CBD, particularly for the control of seizures. There is still much which is not popular about it. Some parents feel comfortable in giving this to their children, meanwhile, others are not.

What is meant by CBD oil?

CBD is a kind of chemical component which is inherent in both hemp plants and marijuana plants. The molecular makeup of CBD is the same, once the extraction of it has happened from either plant. The amount of resin they contain is one of the major differences between cannabis Sativa and hemp. Marijuana is widely popular as a high-resin plant, meanwhile, hemp is a low-resin plant. You will find most CBD within the plant resin.

Resin is also containing tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It is a chemical compound that serves marijuana with its intoxicating properties. There are much more amounts of THC in marijuana than what is there in hemp. The CBD derived from marijuana plants may or may not contain THC in. It is also true about hemp-derived CBD but to a lesser extent.

You must always opt for isolating CBD instead of complete spectrum CBD whether it is marijuana-derived or hemp-derived. It is for avoiding giving THC to your children. However, there is no way other than Epidiolex for being certain that a CBD product is free from THC.

Forms of CBD

CBD oil is available in a huge range of forms. Commercially prepared beverages and baked goods are one popular form. This may in turn make it more complex to know how much CBD is there in any product.

It is complex, if not impossible to have control over the amount of CBD recommended to any child for using it. It is other than making use of prescription products. For instance, Epidiolex.

Other forms of CBD are inclusive of:

CBD oil: Labelling of CBD oil happens in numerous potencies. Experts recommend administering it typically under your tongue. And you can also purchase it in the form of a capsule. CBD oil comes with an earthy, and distinctive
taste. Numerous children may dislike the after-taste of it. It is also available in the form of flavored oil. You can discuss all the possible risks with your pediatrician before you give CBD to your child.

Gummies: CBD-infused gummies may assist you in overriding your taste objections to the oil. Since their taste is just like gummies, you have to ensure that you store the gummies somewhere out of reach of your children.

Transdermal Patches: Patches facilitate CBD to penetrate the skin and for entering the bloodstream. They might serve with a consistent level of CBD over some time.

What are the uses of CBD oil?

CBD oil comes into use for the treatment of numerous conditions in children. However, Epilepsy is the only condition which the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has approved.


The FDA has approved a medication that is made up of CBD. It is for the treatment of children with difficult-to-control seizures with Dravet Syndrome & Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome. These are the two forms of epilepsy.

Epidiolex, medication is an oral solution made from purified CBD that is derived from Cannabis Sativa. When compared with a placebo, this medication is effective for the reduction of seizure frequency. Other conducted researches have also shown similar results.

This medication may become the reason for some side effects and these are also not without any risk. You and the doctor of your child must have a discussion regarding the benefits of Epidiolex along with its potential risks.

Side effects of it might be inclusive of:
  • diarrhea
  • feeling weakness in the body
  • Compilation with sleeping, for instance, insomnia & poor sleep quality
  • Infections
  • feeling lethargic and sleepy
  • elevated liver enzymes
  • diminished appetite
  • rash
Some serious risks are less likely but these might include:
  • aggressive behavior
  • panic attacks
  • injury to the liver
  • suicidal thoughts or actions
  • agitation
  • depression


Numerous studies have analyzed the use of medical marijuana or CBD oil in children suffering from autism. These studies have revealed that there could be an improvement in symptoms of autism.

An improvement has been seen in most of the candidates in the study for symptoms. Their symptoms were inclusive of rage attacks, restlessness, and seizures after the use of one month. Most of the studies recognized that there is a reduction in the symptoms over 6 months.

Reported side effects were inclusive of lack of appetite, sleepiness, and reflux. The children have continued to take other prescribed medications during the study. These medications were inclusive of sedatives and antipsychotics.


Some studies were done on animals and humans indicate that CBD oil may assist in the reduction of anxiety. However, there was no sufficient testing done on children. Preclinical evidence indicates that CBD oil might have a place in the treatment of anxiety disorders. These are inclusive of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

A study done on a 10-year old patient with PTSD has found that CBD oil has reduced her insomnia. Along with this, it has improved her feelings of anxiety.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

There is little research done on the potential benefits or risks associated with CBD oil. It is in regards to the children who are suffering from ADHD. Some patients have reported a reduction in the symptoms of their children after the use of CBD oil. Meanwhile, on the other hand, some others have not reported any effect.

Currently, there is not sufficient evidence confirming whether CBD oil is an effective treatment for ADHD or not.

Risks Associated With CBD Oil For Children

Marijuana has existence for use for hundred years. But, CBD oil is relatively new to this world. It has not been extensively tested for use in children. And there are longitudinal studies that have happened on its effects.

It may also do the production of significant side effects. For instance, sleep issues, restlessness may be similar to the conditions of which you are trying to do the treatment.

It may also interact with other medications that your child is consuming. It is much like grapefruit. CBD interferes with some of the enzymes. The requirement of it is there for metabolization of drugs in the system. You must not give CBD to your child if he is doing the consumption of any medication that contains a grapefruit warning.

CBD oil is unregulated which in turn makes it difficult, but if not impossible for parents to have complete confidence. It is about if they are purchasing the product then what is there in it.

A study has revealed labeling inaccuracies among CBD products. Some products had less CBD than stated, on the other hand, others had more.


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